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Purpose of the Church Guided Research Project

Instructions and resources for completing the country project for Introduction to the Purpose of the Church.

Current Events in Your Country

In order to truly understand a country, it is important to know what is currently taking place in the country by locating and reading news and current events articles. 

For each of the four articles (Newspaper article, Magazine article, Christian article, and Article from your country) described in the tabs: 

  • Locate
  • Neatly photocopy or print-out the article to include in your notebook
  • Write at least one paragraph at least four sentences long in which you summarize the article and give the article's implications for world mission and ministry of the church


If you cannot find an article about your specific country, select a nearby country or search for the world region in which your country is located (i.e. Middle East).

The suggested time frames are suggestions.  If the article you find is three months old instead of two months, the article is still acceptable.  The important thing is to find an article for each requirement listed.

Keep in mind that articles about sports, holidays, and entertainment can be very useful in understanding the culture of a country.  Likewise, articles reporting widespread unemployment or AIDS epidemics are important for planning appropriate ministry strategies.

Find one recent (within the last two months) newspaper article from a secular news organization, such as UPI (United Press International), Reuters News Service, or AP (Associated Press), whose stories are carried by major newspapers and radio stations all around the world, or any Internet news service of your choice.

To locate these newspaper articles utilize the following online databases:

Find one recent article (within the last two years) from a secular journal or magazine.   An internet news service or website does not qualify for this article.

To locate articles in secular journals or magazines, enter your country as a search term and then click Search in one of the following online databases:

Find one recent article (within the last three years) from a Christian journal or magazine such as:


Charisma & Christian Life:  Monthly publication focusing on spirit-led living with frequent article describing how God is moving in foreign countries.

Christian Standard:  A monthly publication from Standard Publishing featuring articles by Christian Church professors, ministers, and missionaries. Note:  this publication was previously published on a weekly basis.

Christianity Today:  Well-known monthly publication featuring articles on current issues from a Christian Perspective. 

World:  Weekly news magazine covering current events from an evangelical perspective. 

Horizons:  Monthly missions magazine featuring the work of Christian Church missionaries around the world.

Voice of the Martyrs:  Publication focusing on the plight of persecuted Christians around the world.  Registration is required to access the accompanying website.

Utilize your country as a search term in the following online database:

Obtain one recent news article (within the last year) from a news organization, newspaper, or magazine within your country.  Neatly photocopy or print-out the article to include in your notebook.  Write one paragraph summarizing the article and what you learned about your country.

To locate articles from the perspective of news organizations within your country use the following websites or databases: