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How Do I Find Articles in EBSCO?

This guide contains resources to assist you in utilizing EBSCOhost journal databases.

EBSCOhost is the company through which the Jessie C. Eury Library subscribes to most of our journal databases.  These journal databases provide access to journal articles from a wide variety of publications.

EBSCOhost Basic Search

Basic Search searches for the entered keyword anywhere in the item record including the article title, journal title, abstract, subject descriptors, and author's name.

Enter a search term or terms and then click Search.

Searches may be made more specific by using:

  • Phrase Searching or placing quotation marks around a multi-word search term such as "Domestic Violence."
  • Boolean Searching which combines two or more search terms using the Booleano operators AND, OR, NOT.
  • Proximity Searching by using the letter N for Near or the letter W for Within and a number for the number of words between the two keywords.  For example, "domestic N5 violence" would search for the words domestic and violence appearing within 5 words of each other.
  • Truncation by using an asterisk (*) after a root word to find all variations of a word.  For example, psyc* would find psychology, psychiatry, psychiatrist, psyche, and others.

Limit EBSCOhost Searches

EBSCO provides a variety of options to limit a search before the initial search. Specific options for limiting a search vary from database to database. 

The following limits are available within Basic Search in Academic Search.  They appear under the search box and may be selected prior to clicking Search.

Full Text: Check the box to limit articles to those with Full Text in this database.  Doing so removes results which may be available in other databases or in the library.  Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals: Check this box to scholarly journals which are more likely to be appropriate for academic papers.

References Available: Check this box to limit results to items with references available.  This is useful for finding scholarly articles, and you can check the references to find additional sources.  Published Date: You may limit your search to a certain range of years such as the last 5 or 10 years.

Publication Type: Searches may be limited to a specific publication type.  The list will vary between databases but may include All types, Periodical, Newspaper, or Book.

Additional limits include Number of Pages, and Image Quick View.